Monday, July 30, 2007

Had a Hard Time to Decide what to Buy that is Different and Unique?

Hi, people,

Check out this retail shop in Parkway Parade. The shop name is InQbox. It is located at basement, at the same stretch where the restaurants are located. What differentiates this retail shop as compared to others is that the whole shop is divided into many pigeon holes and different merchandise are displayed in each pigeon hole.

This is a good place where budding entrepreneurs want to sell their products but do not want to incur such a high cost of renting the whole shop. These budding entrepreneurs just need to pay the rental of each pigeon hole space will do.

Because of this concept, this also attracts customers to walk in as those merchandise that are on sale are very different and unique from what you see in other retail shops. Furthermore, there is a wide range of merchandise featured in the shop, so it also helps to save the customers' time.

Because of all these advantages, I decided to sell my merchandise in one of the pigeon holes as well. The merchandise that I bought are from Japan as I went to Japan recently. My pigeon hole is located at the corner bottom right of the window display. The name is "Dazzled". The advantages of choosing the pigeon hole at the window display is that people can still take a look of your merchandise even though the shop is closed for business.

If you are shopping in Parkway Parade, do remember to check out this shop "InQbox" located at the basement, and look for the pigeon hole with "Dazzled" in it and of cos, I hope that you would like my merchandise and buy it.

Below are some photos that I took for my pigeon hole. Please pardon me as the photos are not well taken. But one thing to note is that what you see in the photos today do not mean that you will see it when you go down to Parkway Parade as the quantity I brought in very small. Thus it is very exclusive.

If you have any suggestions for me, be it merchandise or display, please drop me an email as I am always open for suggestions for improvement. Thanks.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Quality Service LIVE by Ron Kaufman


For those of you who read my blog posts, you will find Mr. Ron Kaufman a familiar name who appeared in my blog posts a couple of times. He is a customer service guru who gave seminars, classes and courses and he is an author of a few books on customer service too. Last year, he was one of the speakers in National Achievers Congress seminar held in Singapore and I attended the seminar. I gave two thumbs up and sing praises to his excellent presentation on customer service.

I managed to find the video blogs on the Internet for one of his seminars for National Achievers Congress. This was held in a few years back in Malaysia. Through this presentation, you will learnt the importance of excellent service mindset, meeting customers' expectations, service recovery, customer loyalty and reasons why some companies failed to give excellent service and why some companies did it. The reason why I enjoyed it so much is that Mr. Ron Kaufman makes it so engaging and enriching. With lots of examples from the various industries, such as retail, banking, hotel, transportation, airline company, and even using personal relationship as an example, you will learnt and able to appreciate the real importance of providing a good service to your customers.

When you watch the video, picture yourself as an attendee of the seminar and "participate". What I mean is that when Mr. Ron Kaufman asks you question, answer it. When he did not complete his sentence, complete it. When he asks you to do certain actions, involve and do it. It is only through participation that you will learnt from it and apply it. After watching the videos, you will realised that how different it is from what is being taught in your company. Of course the concepts are basically almost the same, but you will learnt from it so much more as Mr. Ron Kaufman is able to put you in another perspective which you never realised before.

I hope that this series of videos will benefit you, regardless of which industries you are in, as all of us are customers and relationship building is two way street. However, I would like to emphasis the importance of this series of videos particularly to those who are working in the service line or deal with external customers. I wish that you would share these videos with your friends and colleagues who will benefit from it. If you are a leader or manager in your company who is in the service line, please share these video with your staff. TOGETHER, with your STAFF, MANAGERS please lead the team and push the whole team forward and GROW TOGETHER.

Only when your company grows, then you will benefit from it too. Stop being a whiner and complainer, and STARTS TAKING ACTION NOW! UP YOUR SERVICE!

Quality Service Part 1

Quality Service Part 2

Quality Service Part 3

Quality Service Part 4

Quality Service Part 5

Quality Service Part 6

Quality Service Part 7

Quality Service Part 8

Quality Service Part 9

Quality Service Part 10

Quality Service Part 11

Quality Service Part 12

Monday, July 2, 2007

Success comes from Change

"Success seems to be connected with action.

Successful people keep moving.

They make mistakes, but they don't quit."

Conrad Hilton

"Your chances of success are directly proportional

to the degree of pleasure you derive from what you do."

Michael Korda, publishing executive

"Any fool can make things bigger,

more complex and more violent.

It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage - to move in the opposite direction."

Albert Einstein, physicist

"In reading the lives of great men,

I found that the first victory they won was over themselves ...

Self discipline with all of them came first."

Harry Truman, 33rd U.S. President

"Everyone looks for the 'miracle moment' when 'change happens'.

But ask the good-to-great executives when change happened.

They cannot pinpoint a single key event that exemplified their successful transition."

Jim Collins, Author

"The most effective way to manage change is to create it."

Peter Drucker, Management advisor

"There are many truths of which the full meaning cannot be realized

until personal experience has brought it home."

John Stuart Mill, economist, philosopher

"It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it.

IF you think about that, you'll do things differently."

Warren Buffet, investor

"The highest reward for a man's toil is not what he gets for it,

but what he becomes by it."

John Ruskin, art critic

"Either do or do not; there is no try."

George Lucas, movie director