Tuesday, December 25, 2007

The Next Internet Millionaire

Recently, there is a new Internet reality show - The Next Internet Millionaire.

In this reality show, there is a group of 12 contestants fighting to win the competition. The winner of the competition will get to have $25,000 and an opportunity to become JV partner with Joel Comm. Joel Comm is one of the successful internet entreprenuers and a lot of his products and websites generate millions of income for him.

In this reality show, different well known speakers from the Internet arena would teach the contestants different aspects of internet marketing and how to excel from it. From there, they would break up into groups and brainstorm for ideas for the project of the day. As usual, the losing team would go to the boardroom and one of the contestants would be fired.

Till the end of the game where only two contestants are left, they would set up their own website and sell their own products. The contestant who can bring in the most sales would win the competition.

What is good about this game is that it would give you a better understanding on what internet marketing is about. From the projects that the teams did, you would learn what to avoid and what is encouraged when you have your own online business.

So if you are interested in doing your online business or you are already running your online business and want to make it a better one, remember to check this out!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Dazzled! Japan Fashion Accessories Now at Suntec City!

Do you feel happy when people take a second look at you?
Do you feel highly satisfied when people compliment you on your purchase of the accessories and ask you where do you buy it?
Do you feel very excited when you bought fashion accessories that are not commonly available in other retail outlets?

Dazzled! Fashion Accessories are NOW available at
SUNTEC City Mall #02-032

All Dazzled! Products are direct import from Japan. Japan is well known for being the trendsetter for fashion worldwide. All of their products are of high quality standards. The quantities we purchase are very limited, with less than 10pcs per design. We do not do repeat order due to different fashion season.

Our main purpose is to make you the STAR of the crowd.
 To be stunning and outshine.
 To be different.
 To have a style of your own.

Country of Origin: Japan, Korea, Italy, France and Mexico

“Simply Stunning!”

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Get Off The Nail! By Jerry Clark

Very meaningful article. We met people around us who behave like this and we may behave like this too. Ask yourself - "Do you still want to continue to live in this way?"

Over the years I have met and observed thousands of people and each and every last one of them say they want some improvement in certain areas of their lives. In fact, most of them flat out confessed that they hated certain situations they were in. But after further evaluations, I discovered that they weren't willing to do anything about it. It seemed to be good enough for them to just sit there and wallow in their pain, anguish and misery.

Several years ago, motivational speaker Les Brown and I were chatting after we had both conducted trainings for a Network Marketing Company. We were talking about the number of people who say they want to make changes but don't seem to ever do anything about it. I told him it reminded me of a story I heard him tell an audience over 10 years ago. Here's how the story goes… One day a man was walking down the street on his way to work. As he walked down the street, there were dogs on just about every front porch and they all would bark as the man walked passed them. However, there was one dog that he remembered, because this dog was just sitting there and he was whimpering and whining and moaning, you know the little whimpering sounds dogs make when they are wounded or in some sort of pain. Well, this particular dog was just sitting there on the front porch making those sounds. The man was curious as to why this dog wasn't barking like the other dogs and why he was whimpering. He couldn't figure it out, so he just kept walking to work. The next day he was in the same situation where he was walking down the street and saw the dogs once again and this same dog that was moaning and groaning the other day was doing the same thing today and he just couldn't figure it out. Well, he walked passed for an entire week and everyday the dog would be there moaning and groaning. So, finally, the guy got fed up, he said, "let me find out what's going on." So he went and knocked on the door and a guy came out and said, "Yes, how may I help you?" He said, "Sir, is this your dog?" "Yes, that's my dog." "Well, what's wrong with him?" The owner of the dog said, "What do you mean?" "Well, he's been sitting here moaning and groaning, whimpering and whining for an entire week. The rest of the dogs are barking, your dog should be barking too, why is he moaning and groaning?" The owner said, "Well, he's actually sitting on a nail." And the guy said, "What! Your dog is sitting on a nail. Why doesn't he get off?" "Well, it just doesn't hurt him enough.

"Wow! You know most people are like that dog sitting on a nail. I mean, sure, they would like to get off the nail, but what if they got off the nail and they died or something? They never seem to stop to consider that maybe they would be healed, maybe they would be free, maybe they would be able to move about and discover some new and exciting options for their lives. But, noooooo. Instead, they just sit there on that nail because they're not sure what's going to happen if they get off. I mean, there are no guarantees of safety so to speak. Even though, it's not the best feeling in the world, sitting on a nail, I mean, it's not comfortable sitting on a nail, it kind of hurts, but at least they know what to expect. They know that they have $900 per week coming in so they can pay their bills and put food on the table and they can put some clothes on their back and a roof over their heads. You know, that's enough for most people. They may even get upset with you if you question their so called security, I mean, if you hand them a book or tape program or tell them about a seminar that can give them some effective strategies for getting off nails, they may resent you for it. Well, you're different. You are willing to learn some effective nail removing strategies that could set you free because you and I both know that there is no such thing as security. Well, maybe I should take that back. I do know of a place where security exists on this planet. It's called the graveyard. And you know what, most people tip toe through life so that they can arrive at the graveyard safely. Of course this will not be you… Right? That's right… Simply because, instead of Moaning & Groaning, whimpering & Whining about not getting the results you desire, you are a Developing Charging Rhino… And Rhinos always choose to GET OFF THE NAIL and create the conditions they desire… So Until Next Time, Be Sure to…

GET OFF THE NAIL & Always remember to Go, Go, Go!!!
Jerry Clark

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Is Your Life Full of Why?

Recently, my friend had mentioned to me that "Life is so boring, so monotonous. Time just passed day by day, week by week. The things that we did are like a routine. Life is so boring."

The other day, my GM had said to me, "We must do planning. We can't do things at the last moment. We must be proactive rather than reactive."

These two incidents struck a common cord even though one is talking about personal life while the other one is talking about work.

Regardless it is personal life or work, the very first question we need to ask ourselves is, "What do I want to accomplish?" Do you want to be successful in your career, your family ties or your love for helping other people?

The second question is to ask yourself, "What am I going to do? What am I willing to do continuously?" If you want to be successful in your career, what is your guideline in being successful? What position do you want to reach? What are you going to do to reach that position?"

The third question is to ask yourself, "What are the skills, experience, character or qualifications do I need to have to achieve my goals?" Regardless of what you lack of, you need time to build on it. This does not happen overnight. You need to go through a process to achieve what you want.

With a plan in place, you need to carry out your plan accordingly and do necessary adjustments to move toward your goal. A plan without action is equal to no reaction, no results. Success doesn't happen overnight. It is through continuous action then you will be able to move slowly toward your goal.

Whatever you want to achieve, it lies in your hand. Nobody can control what you want to achieve. If you are determined to get something and ask for it, people will give you what you want rather than you hope people will give you what you hope to have.

It is always the first step that is the hardest. So take some time today and ask yourself "Why?" Your reason "Why" to achieve your goals will determine your success or failure in achieving your goal. So remember, your "Why" must be unshakable and intensified. So strong that nothing can stop you achieving what you want in your life.

If you like to find out more about this topic so that you can be better day by day and find life to be more meaningful, you can check this book out. Its title is "Seven Habits of Highly Effective People By Stephen Covey". As the name implies, there are seven habits that one must follow. The seven habits are "Be Proactive, Begin with the End in Mind, Put First Things First, Think Win/Win, Seek First to Understand, then be Understood, Synergize and last but not least, Sharpen the Saw."

After you finished reading this book, you can proceed to read "The 8th Habit By Stephen Covey". The 8th habit is on leadership and tells you how do you influence others as well, to take a more proactive approach to take charge of one's life or one's job.

Hope that you find these two books useful and enjoy reading.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

7 Secrets to Success by Brian Tracy

There are seven essential principles that you must practice as an entrepreneur throughout your business life if you are to achieve maximum success. They have been taught and repeated in thousands of books and articles over the years, and here they are.

1. Clarity: You must be absolutely clear on who you are and what you want. You need written goals and plans for every part of your life. As Zig Ziglar would say, you must become a “meaningful specific” rather than a “wandering generality.”
Begin with your values. What do you believe in and stand for? What is most important to you in life? What would you pay for, fight for, suffer for and die for? What do you really care about? Someone once wrote, “Until you know exactly what you would do if you only had one hour left to live, you are not prepared to live.”
What is your vision for yourself and your future? What is your vision for your family and your finances? What is your vision for your career and your company? Peter Drucker once wrote, “Even if you are starting your business on a kitchen table, you must have a vision of becoming a world leader in your field, or you will probably never be successful.”
What is your mission for your business? What is it that you want to accomplish for your customers? What is it that you want to do to improve the lives and work of the people you intend to serve with your products and services? You need a clear vision and an inspiring mission to motivate yourself and others to do the hard work necessary to achieve business success.
What is your purpose for your life and your business? Why do you get up in the morning? What is your reason for being? And here’s a great question: What do you really want to do with your life?
Finally, what are your goals? What do you want to accomplish in your financial life? What are your family goals? What are your health goals? What difference do you want to make in the lives of others? And here is the best question: What would you dare to dream if you knew you could not fail?
The greater clarity you have regarding each of these issues--values, vision, mission, purpose and goals--the greater the probability that you will accomplish something wonderful with your life.

2. Competence: To be truly successful and happy, you must be very good at what you do. You must resolve to join the top 10 percent in your field. You must make excellent performance of the business task your primary goal and then dedicate all your energies to doing quality work and offering quality products and services.
To be successful in business, according to Jim Collins, author of Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap . . . and Others Don’t, you must find a field that satisfies three requirements. First, it must be something for which you have a passion—something you really believe in and love to do. Second, it must be an area where you have the potential to be the best, to be better than 90 percent of the people in that field. Third, it must involve a product or service that can be profitable and enable you to achieve all your financial goals.
According to the Harvard Business School, the most valuable asset a company can develop is its reputation. Your reputation is defined as “how you are known to your customers.” And the most important reputation you can have revolves around the quality of the products and services you offer and the quality of the people who deliver those services and interact with those customers.

3. Constraints: Between you and your goal, whatever it is, there will always be a constraint or limiting factor. Your ability to identify the most important factor that determines the speed at which you achieve your business goals is essential to your success.
The 80/20 rule applies to constraints in your business. Fully 80 percent of the reasons that you are not achieving your goals as quickly as you want will be within yourself. Only 20 percent will be contained in external circumstances or people.
What are your constraints? What holds you back? What sets the speed at which you achieve your goals? And what one thing could you do immediately to begin alleviating your main constraint? This is often the key to rapid progress.

4. Creativity: The essence of successful business is innovation. This is the ability to find faster, better, cheaper, easier ways to produce and deliver your products and services.
Fortunately, almost everyone is a “potential genius.” You have more intelligence and ability than you could ever use. Your job is to unleash this creativity and focus it, like a laser beam, on removing obstacles, solving problems and achieving your goals.
The essence of creativity is contained in your ability to solve the inevitable problems and difficulties of business life. Colin Powell said, “Leader-ship is the ability to solve problems.” Success is the ability to solve problems. And remember: A goal unachieved is merely a problem unsolved.
The way of the successful entrepreneur is to focus on the solution rather than the problem. Focus on what is to be done rather than what has happened or who is to blame. Concentrate all your attention on finding a solution to any obstacle that is holding you back from the sales and profitability you desire. And the more you think about solutions, the more solutions you will think of. You will actually feel yourself getting smarter by focusing all your energies on what you can do to continually improve your situation.

5. Concentration: Your ability to concentrate single-mindedly on the most important thing and stay at it until it is complete is an essential prerequisite for success. No success is possible without the ability to practice sustained concentration on a single goal or task, in a single direction.
The simplest way to learn to concentrate is to make a list for each day before you begin. Then prioritize the list by putting the numbers 1 through 10 next to each item. Once you have determined your most important task, immediately begin to work on that task. Discipline yourself to continue working until that top task is 100 percent complete. When you make a habit of doing this--starting and completing your most important tasks each day--you will double or triple your productivity and put yourself solidly on the way to wealth.

6. Courage: Winston Churchill once wrote, “Courage is rightly considered the foremost of the virtues, for upon it, all others depend.” It takes tremendous courage to take the entrepreneurial risks necessary to become wealthy. In study after study, experts have concluded it is the courage to take the “first step” that makes all the difference. This is the courage to launch in the direction of your goals, with no guarantee of success. Most people lack this.
Once you have begun your entrepreneurial journey, you also need the courage to persist. As Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “All great successes are the triumph of persistence.”
The word entrepreneur means “one who undertakes the risks of a new ven-ture in pursuit of profit.” Fully 90 percent of the population will never have sufficient courage to launch a new venture, to start a new business, to boldly go where no one has gone before. You need, first of all, the courage to begin, to move out of your comfort zone in the direction of your goals and dreams, even though you know you will experience many problems, difficulties and temporary failures along the way.
Second, you need the courage to endure, to hang in there, to persist in the face of all adversity until you finally win. When you develop these twin qualities--the ability to step out in faith and then to persist resolutely in the face of all difficulties--your success is guaranteed.

7. Continuous Action: Perhaps the most outwardly identifiable quality of a successful person is that he or she is in continuous motion. The entrepreneur is always trying new things and, if they don’t work, trying something else. It turns out that most entrepreneurs achieve their success in an area completely different from what they had initially expected. But because they continually reacted and responded constructively to change, trying new methods, abandoning activities that didn’t work, picking themselves up after every defeat and trying once more, they eventually won out.
Top people, especially entrepreneurs, seem to have these three qualities. First, they learn more things. Second, they try more things. Third, they persist longer than anyone else. The good news is that, because of the law of probabilities, if you learn more things, try more things and persist longer, you dramatically increase the probability that you will succeed greatly. If you launch toward your goal and resolve in advance to never give up, your success is virtually guaranteed.

The Ultimate Reward
My friend Jim Rohn once said, “The greatest reward in becoming a millionaire is not the amount of money that you earn. It is the kind of person that you have to become to become a millionaire in the first place.”
To have more, you must first be more. For you to set out on the way to wealth and become a self-made entrepreneurial millionaire, you will have to develop many qualities at a higher level than you ever have before. You will have to become an exceptional person. You will have to become more than you ever imagined possible for you.
To realize your full potential and achieve all your financial goals in your own business, you must develop the virtues of integrity, courage and persistence to a much higher level than you have up to now. You will have to practice the qualities of clarity, competence, creativity, concentration and continuous action until they are as natural to you as breathing. You will have to accept complete responsibility for your life and everything that happens to you, and especially for the way you think in every area.
When you develop these qualities and become a completely different person, you will eventually achieve all your goals in life, including financial success. The best part of becoming an extraordinary person is that, if something happens and you lose it all, it won’t really matter. Because you have become a different person, you will be able to make it all back again and more, far faster than the first time.

Welcome to The Way to Wealth
You are about to embark on a grand adventure that may last for the rest of your working lifetime. But if you have the courage to begin and the persistence to endure, nothing can hold you back from achieving all your goals and dreams. If you decide that, no matter what, you will never give up, you will eventually become unstoppable.

Action Plan
Take these steps to get going on your business goals.
Decide exactly what you want in life in each area, and write it down. Make your goals clear, specific and measurable.
Specify the most important skill you could develop to move you into the top 10 percent of people in your field. Then do something immediately to begin developing that skill.
Identify the major constraint or limiting factor inside yourself or in your world that is setting the speed at which you achieve your most important goal, and begin working on removing that constraint today.
Determine your single biggest problem or obstacle in your business or personal life. Then focus all your time and attention on the possible solutions.
Make a list of what you would want to be, do and have if you had no limitations and you were absolutely guaranteed success.
Accept complete responsibility for your life. From this day forward, refuse to make excuses or blame anyone for anything. Instead, take action to make your goals a reality.
Reaffirm and visualize your goals of financial success, excellent health and personal happiness as a reality. Remember, the person you see is the person you will be.

"Take Your 1st Step To Become A successful Person Today!"

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Ability + Responsibility

"Ability can take you to the top,
but it takes character to keep you there."
By Zig Ziglar

"Realize that if you have the time to whine and complain about something,
then you have the time to do something about it."
By Anthony D'Angelo

"Man's mind,
once stretched by a new idea,
never regains its original dimensions."
By Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr., Supreme Court Justice

"You can conquer almost any fear if you will only make up your mind to do so.
For remember, fear doesn't exist anywhere except in the mind."

By Dale Carnegie

"You cannot tailor make the situations in life,
but you can tailor make the attitudes to fit those situations before they arise."
By Zig Zaglar

"People who know the most,
know they know so little,
while people who knows nothing want to take all day to tell you."
By Charlie T Jones

"Big people are always giving someone credit and taking blame;
little people are always seeking credit and giving blame."
By Charlie T Jones

"Without a sense of urgency,
desire loses its value."
By Jim Rohn

"You are the only one who can use your ability.
It is an awesome responsibility."
By Zig Zaglar

"One of the marks of superior people is that they are action-oriented.
One of the marks of average people is that they are talk-oriented."
By Brian Tracy

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Dazzled! Japan Fashion Accessories are Now Available in another Convenient Location

Do you feel happy when people take a second look at you?

Do you feel highly satisfied when people compliment you on your purchase of the accessories and ask you where do you buy it?

Do you feel very excited when you bought fashion accessories that are not commonly available in other retail outlets?

All Dazzled! Products are direct import from Japan. Japan is well known for being the trendsetter for fashion worldwide. All of their products are of high quality standards. The quantities we purchase are very limited, with less than 10pcs per design. We do not do repeat order due to different fashion season.

Our main purpose is to make you the STAR of the crowd.

-> To be stunning and outshine.
-> To be different.
-> To have a style of your own.

Dazzled! Products are now available at InQbox at Parkway Parade #B-45 and Pandoras Box at Orchard Cineleisure #02-19.

All feedback and suggestions for improvement are welcomed.

Dazzled! -- “Simply Stunning!”

Thursday, August 16, 2007

T. Harv Eker Is Coming To Singapore In November!

Using the principles he teaches, T. Harv Eker went from zero to millionaire in only 2 1/2 years! He combines a unique brand of 'street-smarts with heart'. T. Harv Eker is the founder and president of Peak Potentials Training, the fastest growing personal development company in North America. Eker's high-energy, 'cut-to-the-chase' style keeps his audience spellbound. T. Harv Eker's motto is "talk is cheap" and his unique ability is getting people to take "action" in the real world to produce real success.

Eker is the author of the best-selling books, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind and SpeedWealth. He has also developed several highly-acclaimed courses such as The Millionaire Mind Intensive, Life Directions, Wizard Training and Train the Trainer. He is also the producer and trainer of the world-famous Enlightened Warrior Training.

He was born poor but he was determined to be successful. Finally after many years of frustration, Eker hit the jackpot. He opened one of the first retail fitness stores in North America and grew the business to ten stores in only two and a half years. He then sold part of the company to a Fortune 500 corporation.

With the sale, Eker reached his dream. He was finally a millionaire; however, in less than two years, the money was gone. Through a combination of poor investments and unchecked spending, Eker was back at his original net worth … again.

It was at that point that Eker began developing his theories about people's mental and emotional relationship to money. He realized that his “inner-money thermostat” was set for a specific amount of financial success, and that everyone else had a financial set point too. His most profound discovery was that this money blueprint could be changed. Using the principles and practices found in his book, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, Eker reset his own blueprint to not only create success, but to keep it and grow it, and become a multi-millionaire.

During his years of struggle, Eker vowed that should he ever get rich, he would help others do the same. He has kept his promise. Today, he is the president of Peak Potentials Training, one of the largest and fastest-growing seminar companies in the world. He has already touched the lives of over 500,000 people, helping them move closer to their goal of true financial freedom.
Over 500,000 participants have come from all over the world to attend T. Harv Eker's seminars. His events change people's lives!

“The Secret Psychology of Wealth”

A Weekend That Will Change Your Financial Life Forever!

"There is a secret psychology to money. Most people don't know about it, that's why most people never become financially successful. A lack of money is not the problem, it is merely a symptom of what's going on inside you.” T. Harv Eker

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to get rich easily, while others are destined for a life of financial struggle?

Is the difference found in their education, intelligence, skills, timing, work habits, contacts, luck, or their choice of jobs, businesses, or investments?

The answer is: None of the above!

Now you can learn how to develop a Millionaire Mind…


Most of us were never taught how to win the money game and if we were, most likely we were taught by people who weren't very good at it. The first critical element in winning the money game is knowing exactly how to do what rich people do to get and keep wealth.

At the Millionaire Mind Intensive you will learn a step-by-step process for winning the money game. Once you know how to play to win, you will never have to work again…unless of course, you choose to!

Here's just a part of what you'll learn:

-- The wealth creation & maintenance strategies of the rich

-- How to quadruple your speed to financial freedom

-- The 5 key financial habits of the wealthy

-- The underlying cause of almost all financial problems

-- 12 ways to earn passive income so you can make money while you sleep


Plus! One of the key elements of this seminar is teaching you a fail-safe, sure-fire money management method. This method not only allows you to save a fortune, it will get you to start investing wisely while allowing you to have some money that is only for play!

Over 500,000 lives have been changed by this system and the Millionaire Mind Intensive is going to show you exactly how to put it into action.

Even if you have very little money, it's imperative that you learn to manage your money to make it grow! This system shows you how; and the amounts you manage don't matter, so long as you learn the system.


Each day of the seminar, you'll take part in groundbreaking exercises that will show you exactly how your outer world reflects your inner world.

If you want to change how you deal with your finances on the outside, you're going to need to change how you think about money. You are going to have to learn the “inner game” of wealth building. Go within, make the changes, and your outer world will manifest what you choose!
At the Millionaire Mind Intensive, we are going to teach you the secret psychology of wealth. One of the first things you will learn is—


We all have a blueprint that decides how we handle money. It's deeply ingrained in our subconscious and it determines your financial destiny. It comes from our past programming—things we learned in childhood in three 3 primary ways: Verbal Conditioning - what we heard; Modeling - what we saw; and, Specific Incidents – what we experienced.

But here's the key:


One of the main objectives of the Millionaire Mind Intensive is to show you:

- How your childhood conditioning is affecting your finances today

- How to identify and change your personal money and success blueprint, forever

- How to recognize your “money personality” and learn to build on your strengths and overcome your weaknesses

- How to use “spiritual laws” to create “real world” success

- How rich people think and how to adopt their ingrained blueprint for abundance

- How to recondition your mind for “automatic” success

“Your income can only grow to the extent that you do!” T. Harv Eker


So what is your financial blueprint set for? Are you set for success, mediocrity or failure; ease or struggle; consistent earnings or an “up and down” income?

Some of us are set for saving, some for spending, some do both in cycles that keep them financially treading water their whole lives. There are those who instinctively choose winning investments and those who consistently pick losers. But...how do you know which way your blueprint is set?

One way is to look at your results!

Financial settings are like the temperature in a room. If the temperature is 72 degrees, chances are the thermostat is set for 72 degrees. If you are not earning enough, keeping enough, or enjoying your money enough, then your blueprint is set for “not enough”. And unless you change it, your current financial blueprint will stay with you for the rest of your life.

That is exactly what we do at the Millionaire Mind Intensive!


Another thing you will learn at the Millionaire Mind Intensive is that the universe is dynamic . Everything is in a constant state of motion and change. At every moment, depending on how you think, speak, and act in the world, you are either attracting success or repelling it.

At the Millionaire Mind Intensive, through intense learning exercises, you will change your money, resetting it for “automatic” success.

The course objective is to make success—in all areas of your life—your natural way of being. Having done that, you will find that you will attract all that you have been struggling to achieve…and more!

By the end of this course you will have a completely different attitude towards money and success; you will have a millionaire's mind-set. Best of all, the same principles you learn to enhance your financial life will create inner peace and happiness. The Millionaire Mind Intensive will teach you to be “rich” in every sense of the word.

Seminar: "The 3-Day Millionaire Mind Intensive"

Date: 23rd to 25 November 2007

Venue: Singapore Expo

Click Here to Book the Tickets NOW!

Monday, July 30, 2007

Had a Hard Time to Decide what to Buy that is Different and Unique?

Hi, people,

Check out this retail shop in Parkway Parade. The shop name is InQbox. It is located at basement, at the same stretch where the restaurants are located. What differentiates this retail shop as compared to others is that the whole shop is divided into many pigeon holes and different merchandise are displayed in each pigeon hole.

This is a good place where budding entrepreneurs want to sell their products but do not want to incur such a high cost of renting the whole shop. These budding entrepreneurs just need to pay the rental of each pigeon hole space will do.

Because of this concept, this also attracts customers to walk in as those merchandise that are on sale are very different and unique from what you see in other retail shops. Furthermore, there is a wide range of merchandise featured in the shop, so it also helps to save the customers' time.

Because of all these advantages, I decided to sell my merchandise in one of the pigeon holes as well. The merchandise that I bought are from Japan as I went to Japan recently. My pigeon hole is located at the corner bottom right of the window display. The name is "Dazzled". The advantages of choosing the pigeon hole at the window display is that people can still take a look of your merchandise even though the shop is closed for business.

If you are shopping in Parkway Parade, do remember to check out this shop "InQbox" located at the basement, and look for the pigeon hole with "Dazzled" in it and of cos, I hope that you would like my merchandise and buy it.

Below are some photos that I took for my pigeon hole. Please pardon me as the photos are not well taken. But one thing to note is that what you see in the photos today do not mean that you will see it when you go down to Parkway Parade as the quantity I brought in very small. Thus it is very exclusive.

If you have any suggestions for me, be it merchandise or display, please drop me an email as I am always open for suggestions for improvement. Thanks.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Quality Service LIVE by Ron Kaufman


For those of you who read my blog posts, you will find Mr. Ron Kaufman a familiar name who appeared in my blog posts a couple of times. He is a customer service guru who gave seminars, classes and courses and he is an author of a few books on customer service too. Last year, he was one of the speakers in National Achievers Congress seminar held in Singapore and I attended the seminar. I gave two thumbs up and sing praises to his excellent presentation on customer service.

I managed to find the video blogs on the Internet for one of his seminars for National Achievers Congress. This was held in a few years back in Malaysia. Through this presentation, you will learnt the importance of excellent service mindset, meeting customers' expectations, service recovery, customer loyalty and reasons why some companies failed to give excellent service and why some companies did it. The reason why I enjoyed it so much is that Mr. Ron Kaufman makes it so engaging and enriching. With lots of examples from the various industries, such as retail, banking, hotel, transportation, airline company, and even using personal relationship as an example, you will learnt and able to appreciate the real importance of providing a good service to your customers.

When you watch the video, picture yourself as an attendee of the seminar and "participate". What I mean is that when Mr. Ron Kaufman asks you question, answer it. When he did not complete his sentence, complete it. When he asks you to do certain actions, involve and do it. It is only through participation that you will learnt from it and apply it. After watching the videos, you will realised that how different it is from what is being taught in your company. Of course the concepts are basically almost the same, but you will learnt from it so much more as Mr. Ron Kaufman is able to put you in another perspective which you never realised before.

I hope that this series of videos will benefit you, regardless of which industries you are in, as all of us are customers and relationship building is two way street. However, I would like to emphasis the importance of this series of videos particularly to those who are working in the service line or deal with external customers. I wish that you would share these videos with your friends and colleagues who will benefit from it. If you are a leader or manager in your company who is in the service line, please share these video with your staff. TOGETHER, with your STAFF, MANAGERS please lead the team and push the whole team forward and GROW TOGETHER.

Only when your company grows, then you will benefit from it too. Stop being a whiner and complainer, and STARTS TAKING ACTION NOW! UP YOUR SERVICE!

Quality Service Part 1

Quality Service Part 2

Quality Service Part 3

Quality Service Part 4

Quality Service Part 5

Quality Service Part 6

Quality Service Part 7

Quality Service Part 8

Quality Service Part 9

Quality Service Part 10

Quality Service Part 11

Quality Service Part 12

Monday, July 2, 2007

Success comes from Change

"Success seems to be connected with action.

Successful people keep moving.

They make mistakes, but they don't quit."

Conrad Hilton

"Your chances of success are directly proportional

to the degree of pleasure you derive from what you do."

Michael Korda, publishing executive

"Any fool can make things bigger,

more complex and more violent.

It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage - to move in the opposite direction."

Albert Einstein, physicist

"In reading the lives of great men,

I found that the first victory they won was over themselves ...

Self discipline with all of them came first."

Harry Truman, 33rd U.S. President

"Everyone looks for the 'miracle moment' when 'change happens'.

But ask the good-to-great executives when change happened.

They cannot pinpoint a single key event that exemplified their successful transition."

Jim Collins, Author

"The most effective way to manage change is to create it."

Peter Drucker, Management advisor

"There are many truths of which the full meaning cannot be realized

until personal experience has brought it home."

John Stuart Mill, economist, philosopher

"It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it.

IF you think about that, you'll do things differently."

Warren Buffet, investor

"The highest reward for a man's toil is not what he gets for it,

but what he becomes by it."

John Ruskin, art critic

"Either do or do not; there is no try."

George Lucas, movie director

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

You Are The Leader

"Tell me, and I'll forget.
Show me, and I'll remember.
Involve me, and I'll learn."
By Maria Jones

"Prosperity is a great teacher;
Adversity is a greater one."
By William Hazlitt, essayist

"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more
And become more, you are a leader."
By John Quincy Adams, 6th US President

"The CEO's role in raising a company's corporate IQ
is to establish an atmosphere that promotes knowledge sharing and collaboration."
By Bill Gates, Microsoft Founder

"You don't concentrate on risks.
You concentrate on results.
No risk is too great to prevent the necessary job from getting done."
By Chunk Yeager, pilot

"Destiny is no matter of chance.
It is a matter of choice.
It is not a thing to be waited for,
it is a thing to be achieved."
By William Jennings Bryan, Secretary of State

"Learn how to be happy with what you have
while you pursue all that you want."
By Jim Rohn

"Age wrinkles the body.
Quitting wrinkles the soul."
By Douglas MacArthur, US General

"Thinking is easy, acting is difficult,
and to put one's thoughts into action is the most difficult thing in the world."
Johann Wolfgang van Goethe, German Playwright

"We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing,
while others judge us by what we have already done."
By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, poet

Monday, May 28, 2007

The Wow, WOw, WOW service experience - The Phantom of the Opera

Recently, I had been to the world renowned musical play - The Phantom of the Opera. With so much excitement and anxiety to watch this musical, this production never failed me down. From the beginning to the end, from visual, to audio, to stage props, to the performers' fantastic acts and singing, the musical play drew us glued to the stage every second without us battling an eyelid. We felt happy for Raoul and Christine to find true love of each other and felt sorry for charming Phantom of the Opera whom nobody showed compassion to.

But most importantly, I actually spotted something which other audience may not noticed. There was this lady who sat a few seats away from me alone by herself with a notebook and pen with her. At first, I thought that she is also involves in the arts scene and thus she brought a notebook along to copy notes for her reference. When it was time for intermission, she left her seat before me and I managed to glimpse her notebook full of notes. While we are walking out of the theatre, she actually made a left turn and entered the staff entrance. It finally dawned on me that she is a staff of the production team!

This is highly impressive as this world renowned musical play who won so many awards and praise, still specially assigned one staff to sit in the audience for the first half of the play to take notes for room of improvement. Every performance is a new learning experience for them to further improve themselves.

This taught us to continuously improving ourselves too. We should not be too proud of our achievement and success, as the ladder of growth never stops.

Below I had attached an article by Mr. Ron Kaufman. He also went to the musical play and also experienced something different too. You will benefit from reading this article.


by Ron Kaufman

Imagine you had only a moment. Just one moment to make an impression and create a memory that lasts a lifetime. What does it take? What would you do?

We went to the theater to see The Phantom of the Opera. It's a world-famous musical and deservedly so. Fabulous music, incredible sets, a story line to pull your heart strings tight. We arrived late and the show had already begun. We stood outside the theater doors for 10 minutes, until we few "latecomers" were allowed to step inside. It was an awkward situation, hearing the opening music and wondering what we were missing. We could only stand and wait. A gentleman walked by the three of us, and paused. He leaned towards us with enthusiasm and said, "Thank you so much for coming to the theater tonight. I do hope you enjoy the show.

"There was a spirit in his voice, a smile on his face and an authentic twinkle in his eyes. We smiled back, and all of sudden, we didn't feel bad waiting a few more minutes to see the show. The show was wonderful; everything it promises to be. During the intermission, I read about the famous people who created the musical "The Phantom of the Opera". Such a rich history of theaters, playwrights, performances, actors, dancers and musicians. After the show we walked out of the theater. The same gentleman was standing in the foyer with a warm smile and shaking hands with many. I thanked him for welcoming us so warmly, even though we were late for the show. He smiled again; his eyes sparkled."Who are you?" I asked. He gestured to the man standing with him and said, "We are the producers."And then I understood.

It was Sir Cameron Mackintosh who had seen us standing awkwardly outside the theater door. Sir Cameron Mackintosh who paused to give us a warm and genuine welcome. Sir Cameron Mackintosh who, after so many years, so many plays, so many theaters and so many awards, still makes the effort to create moments of magic for his customers. That night on the wrong side of the theater door, we experienced Sir Cameron Mackintosh for just one moment, and he gave our family the highest level of service. We will always remember the play. But we will treasure the moment we were served with such passion; a memory that lasts a lifetime.

* * *Key Learning Point: Sometimes we think "impressions to last a lifetime" require something majestic or romantic, with fireworks or a sunset, with elegance and opulence or a luxurious this or that. But EVERY moment has the necessary ingredient to be memorable and magic: your attention, your intention, your willingness, your desire, your generosity, your spirit ... and another human being to touch.

Action Step: Today, serve someone with so much care and commitment that they can feel it in your voice and see it in your eyes. You don't need a special situation or an excuse for such great service. You only need to focus, to care, to give....to create a moment that will last a lifetime.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Please Help These Hungry Children! For A Greater Cause!

Internet Marketer's Feed 1 Million Hungry Children Charity Campaign Nears Its Goal - Act Now to Do Your Part!

May 25 - Singapore - When world-renowned Internet marketer Stephen Pierce announced plans to feed 1 million hungry children in just four days there were more than a few raised eyebrows and doubtful glances.

But today, as Pierce draws near to his goal, those looks have changed from doubt to appreciation.

"While the campaign has been a tremendous success so far, we haven't reached our goal yet," Pierce cautioned. "So I would urge anyone out there to who hasn't donated or wants to donate again to do so now. This is your chance to make a difference in the world … this is your chance to feed a hungry child."

Pierce launched his Feed the Children Charity Campaign on May 26. The campaign runs through May 29. The campaign was launched to coincide with an Internet marketing seminar that Pierce is conducting in Singapore.

"Being here in Singapore has really driven home the plight of hungry children in the world today and I want to do something about it," said Pierce, who knows a little something about hunger himself having been bankrupt and homeless when he was younger. Today, Pierce and his family run a huge number of highly successful offline and online businesses that generate millions of dollars each and every year.

Here's how Pierce's Feed the Children Charity Campaign works:

When anyone visits http://www.ForAGreaterCause.org and downloads Pierce's free success report entitled, "The Power of the Third Influence," Pierce donates a plate of food to the Feed the Children Charity on their behalf.

The free report includes such never before revealed information as:

-- How Pierce went from having 2 cents to his name to earning millions of dollars online
-- How to turn around your life with a simple shift of association
-- How to double your productivity and get more of the right things done
-- And much more

"Again, I would just like to urge anyone out there who hasn't donated yet, that now's the time," Pierce said. "This is your chance to join in something bigger than yourself and make a real difference in the world … while making a positive difference in your own future as well."

To be a part of this amazing campaign, and make a true difference in the world, please visit http://www.ForAGreaterCause.org to make a donation and to download your free copy of Pierce's success report.

Remember, this campaign ends May 29, so act now!

Stephen Pierce's life is a modern day fairy tale. He literally went from being kicked out of school and then evicted from his apartment and cast out on the mean streets of Washington, D.C. where he was actually shot in the leg to heading up a family business empire that includes numerous highly-profitable online and offline businesses and three different coaching clubs. Today, Mr. Pierce, who is the author of the popular ebook, "Under Oath: The Truth, The Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth About Internet Marketing," is well-known as one of the powerhouses of the Internet and likes to spend his time teaching others how to replicate his success.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires by Adam Khoo

Adam Khoois a very well known self-made millionaire. He became millionaire by the age of 26. He is an entrepreneur, best-selling author and a peak performance trainer. He owns and runs three businesses with a combined annual turnover of $20m.

His latest book is "Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires" and I strongly recommended it.

This book is an eye-opener and you will learnt a lot from him. You learnt that with a strong desire, million-dollar mindset and the right money-making techniques, you'll find that you can become a self-made millionaire.

Adam Khoohas helped hundreds of thousands of people achieve exceptional success & wealth no matter how desperate their situation. Let Adam Khoohelped you through his book - Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires, and let you begin your journey to your financial success that you desire.

In this book, you will learnt:-

-- The 7 Steps to Financial Abundance
-- The 9 Habits of Self-Made Millionaires
-- How the Rich Manage their Money
-- How to Massively Increase Your Income Without Quitting Your Job
-- How to Create a Money-Spinning Business from Home
-- How to Manage your Money & Reduce Your Expenses by 20-35%
-- How to Build a $6m Fortune by just Investing 10% of your Income
-- How to Achieve a 12.08% Return from the Stock Market ... Risk Free
-- How to Build Multiple Streams of Income through Business, Investing and Intellectual Property
-- How to Design Your Millionaire Master Plan

I also attached short clips of Adam Khoo's preview of his program. It is break into 3 parts of 10mins each.

Adam Khoo's Secrets Revealed 1

Adam Khoo's Secrets Revealed 2

Adam Khoo's Secrets Revealed 3

Enjoy watching and learnt from him!

"Unless you do what you love to do, you will never become rich. - Adam Khoo"

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

U Lack Of Ideas?

"The Best Way To Have
A Good Idea Is
To Have Lots Of Ideas."
Linus Pauling, Chemist

"Character Cannot Be Developed
In Ease And Quiet.
Only Through Experience Of
Trial And Suffering
Can The Soul Be Strengthened,
Ambition Inspired And
Success Achieved."
Helen Keller, Author, Lecturer

"As Long As You Think
The Problem Is Out There,
The Very Thought
Is The Problem."
Stephen Covey

"Leadership Is Practiced
Not So Much In Words
As In Attitudes And In Actions."
Harold S. Geneen

"If You Spend 5mins Complaining,
You Have Just Wasted 5mins.
If You Continue Complaining,
It Won't Be Long Before
They Haul You Out Of A
Financial Desert And There
Let You Choke On The
Dust Of Your Own Regret."
Jim Rohn

"Success Is Often Achieved
By Those Who Don't Know
That Failure Is Inevitable."
Coco Chanel, Fashion Designer

"Courage Is Not The Absence
Of Fear, But Rather The Judgement
That Something Else Is
More Important Than Fear."
Ambrose Redmoon

"All Of Us Perform Better And
More Willingly When We Know
Why We're Doing What We
Have Been Asked To Do."
Zig Ziglar

"Seek First To Understand,
Then To Be Understood."
Stephen Covey

"Manage By Exception Only
Require Reporting When
There Is A Deviation From
The Plan."
Brian Tracy

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

How Can You Miss This? ... ... Sigh ... Sigh

There is just a fine line of difference between successful and not successful. Everybody's definition of success is different but the cause of one being successful or not successful is the same for all.

So what is the cause of one being successful or not successful?

Is it fate? Is it luck? Or is it some other external factors?

The answer is NO!

Whether one can be successful or not depends on



I specially attached four video clips for you to teach you how to be successful. This teacher has been through the phase of being down and under and because of his determination, he becomes very successful and he is a millionaire now. This teacher is none other than Mr.
Stephen Pierce himself!

The video clips are very short, so please spend some time to watch and comprehend the content being taught. The content is simple but powerful strategies. Strategies which you may even heard before but don't know how to apply. This is where you learnt the application, which is very crucial.

In the first clip,
Stephen Pierce would share with you the power of having the COURAGE and DETERMINATION to go through the process of achieving your goals. You would discover how events on December 17, 1903, at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina can give you a new perspective on success and strengthen your resolve to succeed.

In the second clip,
Stephen Pierce would teach you the importance of having the DESIRE to apply and execute the knowledge you have so that you can achieve your GOALS. DON'T PROCRASTINATE!

In the third clip,
Stephen Pierce introduces you to your "SELFWARE" which is the #1 critical element of all success in life. It's the key element that all people in life have in common and it's what separates the rich from the poor, the happy from the sad and fulfilled from the unfulfilled in life.

In the fourth clip, you can supercharge your personal change efforts once you understand the crucial key to CREATING LASTING CHANGE as revealed in this video by
Stephen Pierce. You can once and for all crush bad habits, debt... and even being overweight once you understand this simple yet powerful insight to creating permanent change.

So what are you waiting for? Go and watch the clips now and unleash the better you today right NOW!

Sunday, February 18, 2007

What A Wonderful World!!

Hi, Everyone,

This is a travel blog to be shared with all of you. I just came back recently from a trip to Japan, free and easy by myself. It was a 11 days trip covering cities such as Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, Yokohama, Mt Fuji and Nikko.


I was sure very excited to be able to go for an overseas trip. It had been some time since I last went for a trip. I decided to choose Japan as my destination as I have never been there before and as it is a non peak season now, therefore it would be cheaper. Due to non peak season, major travel agencies did not have a confirmed trip for the period I chose to go. Therefore, I ended up going by myself on free and easy. I kinda worried cos I am afraid that there would be communication problem as I do not understand Japanese and don't know how to speak Japanese. I was unsure if the Japanese people are good in speaking English too. But I was still determined to go, I see this trip as a challenge for myself - to be independent and solve all the problems by myself that I encountered during this trip. Needless to say, I did encounter problems and thankfully I managed to solve it all because of those friendly Japanese people who helped me. Thanks so much to them.


My worries really happened. There was indeed communication problem. Japanese people do not really know how to speak English or they chose not to speak English. They did not even speak one complete sentence. They only can communicate to me on certain words. But still no worries, cos there is still one language that both of us can communicate with. One universal language that regardless of whatever race you are, everybody will understand. Not English, Chinese or Japanese language. But sign language. So wherever I wanted to go, I would show them the name of the tourist attraction in English (as even our English pronunciation is different), then they would point the direction to me. So I pointed the direction again to confirm that I got it right. Hehehe.

Actually, Japanese are very friendly people, but due to communication problem, they could not explain in detail on the direction to go to the tourist attraction. Therefore, they only could point a direction and once I reached that particular point, I would ask somebody again to continue my journey to the tourist attraction. My advise to you is that if you are travelling on free and easy, always ask for direction from those staff working in the railway stations and those policemen working in those police stations situated along the streets or those traffic policemen, as they know the streets better than anybody else.


As it was winter period when I went, I brought a lot of clothings with me as I am someone who can't stand cold. Therefore, I brought one luggage with wheeler for one person use, one haversack and one A4 size sling bag. Problems occurred when I needed to walk quite a distance from the railway station to the hotel (there was once I actually walked for one hour from the railway station to the hotel with my heavy luggage as I needed to ask for direction) and I needed to climb lots of flights of stairs as escalators are not commonly found in railway stations and walking to the elevators of the railway stations was a distance away and not necessary taking the elevators means that I would be able to reach the exit that I wanted to go (This would be further elaborated later). Therefore my advise to you is that if you want to go to Japan on free and easy tour, please choose a season when you can travel light. If you are bringing kids along, DO NOT go on free and easy, choose a tour package, cos you would be highly frustrated and to the certain extent of getting angry if your kids do not behave themselves.


Let me tell you, man, Japan has a very, very confusing railway lines, especially Tokyo. To the locals, their railway system is highly comprehensive, but to a tourist who never been to Japan before, it is very confusing. Maybe because of their population is big and their land size is big, therefore there are so many railway lines. Besides the main Japan railway lines, there are a few subway lines and private railway lines, and not forgetting, their bullet trains (known as shinkansen). Imagine Tokyo station in Tokyo has more than 15 tracks. If you are going to Japan on free and easy, I would encourage you to buy the JR pass. JR pass allows you to travel on the main railway lines and shinkansen for unlimited rides. Of cos there are some limitations and conditions, but JR pass really can help you to save a lot.


I actually twisted my ankle on my 5th day stay in Japan. Why am I so clumsy? Because of the time difference. Japan is actually one hour faster than Singapore. So when it is 12 midnight, it is only 11pm based on Singapore time, how can I fall asleep so early? I never sleep so early when I am in Singapore. Majority of the tourist attractions in Japan opens at 9am and closes at 4 or 5pm. To reach the tourist attractions at 9am means I need to wake up latest by 7am, which is equivalent to Singapore time 6am. That means that I have less than 5 hrs of sleep everyday. I am severely short of sleep. The problem was further exaggerated with the drain of my strength as I needed to carry the heavy luggage travelling from one city to another, thus I am very tired too. Not only that, Japanese people always rush themselves against time when they are at the railway stations. They are forever rushing in and out of the trains, rushing up and down the stairs. They even use escalators as stairs. Some even run against time. Given the population of Japan, it is very 'scary' as you saw so many people rushing during peak hours. So if you can't beat them, don't follow them. Let them go first and you follow last. Because of my lack of sleep, tiredness and joining the crowd rushing down the stairs, I actually missed one step and sprained my ankle. Lucky I managed to grab hold of the railings and did not roll down the stairs. If not, I couldn't imagine what would happen.

When I twisted my ankle, it was so painful and my head started to spin. I was so afraid that I would faint and I started to imagine the worse. I worried that my ankle was broken and I didn't know how to go to see a doctor in the clinic or hospital. I was worried that I needed to cancel my trip and go back to Singapore immediately and I would suffer a monetary loss as some of the hotel bookings I already paid online. As I didn't want to cancel my trip and suffered the monetary loss, I told myself to bear the pain and continue the trip. No matter how, I must continue the trip and go back to Singapore as per schedule to treat my ankle. Because of this determination, endurance and perseverance, I continued limping slowly to my next tourist attraction and went to a pharmacy after that to buy medical plaster. The medical plaster was my life saver as it did reduce the pain but the swell did not go away. My feet was still swollen but I am very grateful that I could complete my journey as planned. Therefore, the MORAL OF THE STORY IS DETERMINATION, ENDURANCE AND PERSEVERANCE EQUALS TO SUCCESS.

The following sections that I would be sharing with you would be some of the Japanese culture and some of the experiences I saw and learnt in Japan.


I went during the winter season. The temperature is around 10 degree celsius. Quite cooling during the day given the number of pieces that I was already wearing. Hahaha. What to do. I am scare of cold. But at night, the temperature drop and can feel the coldness especially the wind keep on blowing and blowing. Oh gosh, i was shivering, so cold.


I actually got a chance to live in a few types of hotel during my stay in Japan. One of them is actually a capsule hotel. This is very common in Japan as these hotels are specially for those Japanese who work late and do not want to travel back home. Therefore they would just book for a night and stay in the capsule room. Most of the capsule hotels are only for men, some capsule hotels do cater for the women too. In such cases, there will be one storey specially for women only. Capsule room is very small with only the space for one mattress, a small TV, radio and alarm clock. There is not much space for you to put your bags.

Another type is actually a ryokan. A ryokan is actually a Japanese room, which means that there is no bed frame. There is only tatami mats and mattress. Some of the hotels will actually provide Yutake. It is a night gown that Japanese people wear at night.

A Capsule Hotel. There are two rows of capsule rooms

A capsule room, small but still comfortable

Japanese way of sleeping without the mattress, with the tatami mats on the ground


There are not many channels available. All of them are in Japanese. Even those Hollywood movies are translated into Japanese when they are aired. Majority are variety shows, there are not much of dramas or movies. Some hotels actually have a service where you paid Yen1000 (about S$13.00) for a night, they will give you a card to be inserted in a device on top of the TV and you can get to see extra channels.


Their transportation are the most comprehensive and systematic. They actually have a timetable for both their railways and bus transports for both weekdays and weekends and their accuracy of arrival based on their timetable is 100% accuracy unless there is a technical fault or traffic accident. Therefore you have no reason to tell your boss that you are late for work because the trains or buses are late. Priority seats are always found in trains and buses. Priority seats are those seats specially for those elderly, pregnant mums or small kids. What I like about priority seats for buses is that each seat is separated by seat handles and on each seat handle, there is a press for the bell to ring. This provides convenience to the person who uses the seats as they do not need to stand up to press the bell while the bus is moving.


There are two types of buses in Japan. The first type is where you would take a ticket when you board the bus and the ticket will print which bus stop you board the bus. There is an electronic chart on the bus to show the amount to pay. The fares will be updated whenever the bus stops at a bus stop. So when the bus reached your destination, you will pay accordingly based on the amount reflected. For example, you get on the bus at bus stop #10 and you get off the bus at bus stop #15, then you look at the electronic chart and look for #10. The amount reflected below #10 is the amount you pay. Another type of bus is you tell the driver where you will be going and the driver will key in the destination. Then the amount will be reflected in the electronic signage beside the bus driver and you pay the amount at that point in time. There will be no ticket issued for such buses.

This is the electronic signboard where fares are updated when the bus reaches each bus stop


Before you want to board a train, always check the electronic signboard on the direction that this train is going. Don't be surprised that you see different directions for different trains at different timings. For example, at 930am, there is a train going to destination A. At 935am, there is a train going to destination B. And destination A and B does not belong to the same direction. If you got on a wrong train and wanted to go back to the original station, it did not mean that by going back to the opposite track, you can go back to the original station. Sometimes you needed to go to track 3 or 4 to go back. One important point to remember that for certain directions, they have normal trains, limited express trains and express trains. Normal trains means that they will stop at every stations. Limited express trains means that they will skip some stations. Express trains means that they will skip majority of the stations. Therefore, you must be very careful before you board the train. Don't be like me, I boarded wrong trains a few times before.

Some of the stations consists of a few storeys with different exits to allow you to go to different places or transfer to another line. Therefore, before you walked out of the exit, always checked with the staff if this was the correct exit to go to your destination. As Japan is big, different exits are actually situated very far away from each other. If you walked out of wrong exit, then you will waste a lot of time walking to the correct exit point. Getting lost is a common thing happened to me and when I wanted to go back to the original exit, I realized that I could not find the original exit. But no matter how, I still able to go back to the original exit after much time and effort. I learnt my lesson and always asked the station staff before I walked out of the exit.

When you are travelling on railways, be observant and you will know which side of the escalators you should stand in order to let others to walk up or down the escalators, as they do not have fixed rules on which sides to stand. Also look at the floors of the platforms, some platforms have rectangle markings on the platforms, that means you must queue up based on the markings painted as these are where the doors will open.

Some of the trains have "women only" cabin. These cabins specially tailored for the fairer sex so that some men would not take advantage during peak time where the trains will be very packed.

Different railway companies operate differently. Some trains have both pre-recorded announcer and a electronic signboard to notify the passengers on the next station. Some railway companies have electrical signboards and with the train driver announcing the station's name. Some railway companies do not have anything at all. If there is a pre-recorded announcer, then there will be an English announcement. The train driver will never make an announcement in English. Some train stations use pre-recorded announcer to announce that a train is approaching the station. Some railway companies actually employ a staff just to make announcement at the platform whenever the train is approaching. Sometimes you will see the announcer and the driver saluting to each other when the driver stops the train at the station. Sometimes you will see the driver making a bow at the station when the train is moving out of the station. I am not very sure of the purpose either.

There is no signage indicating food and drinks are not allowed and I also saw people eating and drinking in the railway train before. But no phone calls are allowed in the the train, so if you want to make a call using your handphone, you need to go to the connecting joint of the two cabins as there are doors for each cabin, thus you would not disturb the rest of the passengers (Note that Japan has a different network from us, so even if you have an auto roaming handphone, you also can't use it in Japan, so you need to borrow their handphone sets in order to use it in Japan).

Railway trains cabin. There are doors on both sides of each cabin, so if you want to use your handphone to make a call, you are supposed to stand at the connecting point and closed the doors before you make the call

Women only cabin. Guys, Get Out! We don't welcome you here!

Shinkansen (Bullet trains)

Taking a journey in Shinkansen is like having a car ride on an expressway. In actual fact, you can't feel the fast speed. The only way that you know that it is travelling on a fast speed is when another Shinkansen travel in an opposite direction. The very first impact when the other Shinkansen passed by you is so strong that the train actually jerked forcefully and when the rest of the cabins passed by you, the window panes are actually rattling. With less than 2mins, the whole Shinkansen passed by you. Wow ... ... Now I know how fast it is travelling. The normal speed that a Shinkansen is travelling is about 300km/h.

On average, a Shinkansen train has 15 cabins with 20 rows of 5 seats per row per cabin. That means it has a total of seating capacity of 100 passengers. Some shinkansen trains are actually two shinkansen trains joint together and some are of double layers, so the seating capacity increases significantly. Food and drinks are sold in a push cart in the train, so if you are hungry or thirsty, you do not need to worry. There is always an officer on patrol, he will walk from one cabin and another to make sure everything is in order. And whenever he left the cabin, he would actually bow to us before leaving.

Another Shinkansen train zooming by! Zzzooooommmm ... Now you see it, now its gone!

The interior of a Shinkansen train

This photo is taken in the lower deck of a 2-level Shinkansen train


I am not very sure if taxis in different cities are of different prices. But taking taxis definitely demands a higher cost. I took a taxi at Mt Fuji area and the 0n board price is Yen680, which is equivalent to around S$8.70. The journey is about 15mins and the total fare is around Yen2200, which is equivalent to around S$28.00.


The Japanese people specialist in the food they cooked. Thus it is difficult for you to find a restaurant that sell a large variety of food. If the owners sell ramen, then they only have ramen, customers can't buy sushi or bento sets. Because of this speciality, you can taste the best authentic Japanese food ever in Japan. The food is so good that you simply fall in love with it and can't wait to ask for more. Yum Yum. Some restuarants or food outlets have ordering vending machine. All the food they sell will be stated in Japanese on the various buttons on the machine, sometimes you may find pictures of the food but majority of the food they sell do not come with pictures. So after making your selection and making payment, you take the tickets from the machines and passed to the staff to proceed with the order. Japanese restuarants are usually very small with only a few seats, therefore you must not be particular about the close distance that you are between the guests beside you. To them, they feel cosy and warmth. Smoking is allowed in the restuarants and food outlets and they don't classified into smoking or non smoking zones. Even McDonalds provides ash trays for the customers.


Vending machines are commonly found in Japan. Vending machines that sell drinks, cigarettes and hot food. This is a good option to have as it provides convenience to the customers.

TOILET BOWL. EEEEE .... why toilet bowl?

Because even their toilet bowls are also very interesting too. I believed majority of you have heard or seen news before regarding some Japanese toilet bowls with special features. Now I have the chance to see them, use them and enjoy the experience. There is a type when there will be sounds of birds chirping and water flowing when you are using the toilet. There is another type where the seats of the toilet bowls are always warmed, so when you sit on it, your bums will feel very comfortable. This type of toilet bowls also come water spray, so when you finish, you can press the water spray button and water will be sprayed to your bum to clean it. You can even choose the water pressure level. Of cos there are also some toilets with special functions such as there will be a button for short flush and a button for long flush, this actually helps to conserve the water.

The words on the button is "big" and "small". That means long flush or short flush so as to conserve water

This is the type of toilet bowl where the seat is always warm and there is a water spray to clean your bum


It is not common to see rubbish bins in Japan. When there is one, normally you will see 4 rubbish bins joint together. One is for can bottles, one is for PET bottles, one is for newspapers and magazines and one is for others. Japanese emphazied a lot of recycling, thus they have a few rubbish bins.


Majority of the items selling in Japan are of high prices. Branded boutiques are commonly found and their boutiques are usually very big with a few storeys. I guess the Japanese are willing to spend when it comes to fashion.

Most of the retail stores and departmental stores open either at 10 or 11am and close either at 8pm or 9pm. Some departmental stores even closes at 730pm! Their window displays are usually simple with only a few props. Theirs are very distinctive in emphasing their latest collections. There is one cosmetics boutique that I was very impressed with their display. Even simple cosmetics items can create an effect of an artistic piece in the window display. From far, you might thought that it is a colorful piece of art and you walked closer to take a look, you realised that it was simply a collection of different colors eyeshadow joint together. Even the interior design of the store is like a art gallery. Their creative director is very creative and think out of the box.


The Japanese teenagers are very particular about their style of dressing. They put in a lot of effort in styling their hair especially the guys. Every hairstyle is like a form of art as there are a lot of styles being featured in eaech head. Guys like to wear black, tight-fitting clothes to show off their muscular build while the gals emphasied a lot on their eye make up and they would wear short skirt with high boots.


There is not much nightlife in Japan since majority of the retail stores close quite early. Restaurants close later but also not too late at night. Therefore if you want to go back to the hotel late, the only option that you have is bars and pubs. Bars and pubs are not commonly available, you need to check it out first. They are usually concentrated in one area.

NIGHTLIFE (Extra curriculum activities for men!)

How do you know if a woman is working in this line or not? Normally you can gauge by her dressing. Her fresh make up and her dressing to the nines differentiate her from a working lady with faded makeup and tired look from her office job. Young women always like to show off their slender legs, they can't wear too revealing top as it is winter period, so mini skirts is definitely a must for them. For those mature women, they like to wear long western dresses of sweet colors such as light pink, blue and purple. Now who say mature women have no demand?! When there is demand, there is a supply. So how do you know if a particular street is a sleazy street? Normally there are signages outside the shops with women photos and prices on it. Another way is by looking at the taxis. If you see a 'taxi jam' with a long line of taxis queuing up waiting to drive into a street, that means that it is a sleazy street. As I mentioned earlier that taxis fares are expensive, therefore the night time is the only time where these taxis drivers can earn more money. All these that I mentioned is not mere heresay from others, these are actually what I saw in different cities but I shall not say which cities.

Another interesting thing that I saw is actually a pimp center. Outside the shop, there will be signages something like asking you if you want to look for night activities and they have a comprehensive database for you to help you to search. When you walk past this shop in the morning, you never think it as a pimp center but the shop is closed. It is only at night when the shop is opened, and when you look inside the shop, the staff are all men. Men who dressed like an executive with black suits and trousers. On their counters will be a few laptops where they kept their database. The shop is not brightly lit, they use dim green and blue neon lights to light up the shop. So when a deal is made, the customer will go to the love hotel first, then the pimp will go to a few shops down the street to pick up the woman (actually this depends on where the woman is working) and ask the woman to follow him. He will never walk beside the woman, he will always walk very fast with the woman tagging behind. If business is bad, these men will walk to nearly traffic junction to prey on the targets - men who dress well and look rich and the pimp will ask these men whether they would want to have extra activities for the night or not. Therefore, it is always better for you to walk along the main road when you are on the way back to the hotel at night.

Below are some of the photos that I took during the trip.

Japan, Here I come!

Bye, Bye, Singapore. I am flying to Japan! Bye, SIA! (This photo is taken when the plane took off at Changi Airport)

Wah, the clouds are so beautiful! Er, What is the name of these clouds? Oh dear, I forgot. My Geography teacher will be very disappointed in me!

Dusk is approaching. I get to witness dusk on the flight

Look, Mr Moon! Bye, Mr Moon. Mr Sun is going to be here!

TOKYO (4 Days)


This present temple dates from 1950. This temple enshrines a golden image of Kannon (the Buddhist Goddess of Mercy). The entrance is via Kaminarimon (Thunder Gate). The gate's protector gods are Fujin, the god of wind, and Raijin, the god of thunder on the right and left respectively. Ahead will be Nakamise-Dori, the temple's precinct's shopping street where you can find everything. A very popular street for the locals and tourists.

This is the Kaminarimon (Thunder gate) where you see the two protector gods

This is Senso-ji, the temple where many worshippers come everyday

Look, who I found under the lion's statue? Mr Pussy Cat. So clever. Hehehe

The Buddhist Goddess of Mercy

Plum Flowers. This is the season for plum flowers. This is commonly found in the parks and temples. Basically there are white and pink plum flowers. You will see elderly plucking these flowers, but I am not very sure what are they going to do with it

Nakamise-Dori. Wah! So crowded!


Tokyo Tower is a 330m tower with a grand observation platform of 150m high. You also can go to the special observation platform of 250m with extra charges. There is also an aquarium, wax museum and holographic mystery zones.

This is taken from Tokyo Tower. Valentine's Day is coming, so they purposely decorated the trees with lights so when you see from the top is it like a sharp of a key with a heart inside the key, representing you are the key to my love. Aw, so sweet and romantic!

This is actually the floor of the platform. So if you scare of heights, please don't look down.


This is a family temple of the Tokugawas. It was situated beside Tokyo Tower.

The temple is very, very, very dark at night. There is no street lights at all. I better made this visit a fast one. Very scary. I saw a lot of tombstone at the back of the courtyard. I better leave this place fast. But I have not eat my dinner yet, my legs are all wobbly. Yeeeee, so scary, I want my mummy! Mummy, mummy, help me! Ah!!!!!!


The palace is only opened to the public on 2nd January and 23 December. It is possible to at least get a view of the palace at the bridge Niju-bashi. The present palace was completed in 1968. It occupied the site of the castle, Edo-jo, where Tokugawa shogunate ruled Japan. The original palace was destroyed in WWII.

The Imperial Palace East Garden's main entrance is through the Ote-mon. This was the main gate of Edo-jo. The garden itself was once the heart of the old castle.


The day begins very early, with the arrival of the fish and its wholesale auctioning. The wholesale market is not open to the general public. You can go to the wholesalers' and intermediaries' stalls that sell directly to restaurants and other retail buyers. Be very careful of the motorised delivery carts that speed around the market.

When you are here, you must definitely eat at one of the restauarants situated in the market. Where do you actually get the freshest ingredients? No where, but here. Look for those restuarants with long queues. The time you spent waiting is definitely worth the wait.

I went to one restauarant named "Sushi Dai". Seeing that there is a queue, I decided to eat here. Even though there were only a few customers in front of me, about 10 customers, I actually needed to wait for 2 hours or so for my turn to enter the restuarant. Since I am not sure what to order, so I decided to order the sushi set. The chef will serve you the sushi piece by piece, after you finished one, then another piece was served. This is to ensure the freshness of the fish and also to let you taste the different type of fish. Thus, they would give you the sushi whose fish is of the lightest taste to the last one of strongest taste. They would also tell you which sushi is supposed to eat on its own, without dipping into the sauce, so that the sauce would not covered the taste of the fish.

When I had the first bite of the first sushi, it was so tasty and so good that I simply fall in love with it. The fish is so fresh and when you bite it, it simply blends into the rice perfectly, creating the perfect tasting sushi. Not forgetting the wasabi, the amount of wasabi that the chef puts in was just right that you would get a few seconds of spiciness shooting up your brain, not too spicy, not too blend, just right. The rice is also very soft and itself has a nice aroma to it too. Of course, the chef is young and handsome too. Heehee. In fact, the three chefs are all young and handsome. Maybe eating sushi that they make helps them to look so good. Heehee. When the salmon sushi was served, I was so surprised! This is the best freshly coloured salmon that I saw the first time. It was so rich in orange colored that it is of the same shade colour as the fruit orange. With such good tasting sushi and handsome chefs to look at, I finished my sushi set very quickly, but I did not order more since I was rushing to my next destination. But when I go to Tokyo again in the future, this sushi restaurant is definitely a must for me to go again. Yummy Yummy.

Outside the fish market, there is a row of food stalls. I did not try the food since I just finished my sushi set. But the food that they cooked have very good aroma too. You will see queues too. As the stalls are small, so the people just stand beside the high table in front of the stalls to eat the food. Very unique experience standing to eat your food.


This is a recent development in Tokyo. At Tokyo Bay, there are a few of shopping and entertainment complexes, together with amusement parks too.

The following photos are taken in Venus Fort. One of the shopping complexes in Tokyo Bay and the last photo is Toyota Mega Web.


This place does not need further introduction. All of us know Disneyland since young and all of us are all friends of Disney characters. The success of Disneyland attracts many companies to learnt from them and so now, let us take a trip down to Tokyo Disneyland and see how the success of Disneyland is replicated in Tokyo Disneyland.

Mickey and gang, I am here to see you all! My, Oh My. All my friends here, Mickey and gang, know how to speak Japanese. Amazing! Maybe its time for me to upgrade too!

"To All Who Come To This Happy Place
-- Welcome --
Here You Will Discover Enchanted Lands
Of Fantasy and Adventure, Yesterday and Tomorrow.
May Tokyo Disneyland Be An Eternal Source
Of Joy, Laughter, Inspiration And Imagination
To The People Of The World.
And May This Magical Kingdom Be An Enduring
Symbol Of The Spirit Of Cooperation And Friendship
Between The Great Nations Of
Japan And The United States of America.

MT FUJI (2 days)

Mt Fuji stands 3776m high and it is Japan's highest mountain. The climbing season on Mt Fuji is in July and August but of course you can climb the mountain in any time of the year, but it is advisable not to climb during winter period as the grounds are wet and covered with snow, unless you are a professional mountain climber. The mountain is divided into 10 'stations'. Normally, people without experience in mountain climbing will climb to the 5th stations. If you want to reach the summit, it is best to plan your time wisely so that you can reach the summit before dawn as being able to witness dawn on the summit of Mt Fuji is simply picturesque.

Mt Fuji on a misty day

These 2 photos are taken during the ride in the Shinkansen train. The 2nd photo is the enlarged photo of Mt Fuji summit

Saw this falling from the sky. What is this? Can anybody advise me? Hmmm ... Don't tell me that it is my friend, ET's flying machine had technical problems and fell off from the sky?! Oh dear, I must go and save my friend, ET! ET, don't be scared! I am coming! I am coming!

Japanese style of barbequeing. What I ordered is a set. The fish is still alive when it is served to me. Its mouth is opening and closing and its tail is still flipping. Ah!!!!!! Staring at me!!!! I told the waiter that it is still moving, the waiter said that it is fresh. Erm, fresh?! and the waiter also told me to wait for awhile before barbequeing the fish, which means let the fish to die first ... ... Noodles are served last after you finished the barbequed food. Pay close attention to the ladle. Actually one side is for the noodles and one side is for the soup, so useful and practical.

Lake Kawaguchi-ko, one of the 5 lakes of Kawaguchi-ko

These photos are taken in the Kawaguchi-ko cable car and also taken from Fuji Viewing Platform where the cable car lands

Lake Sai-ko, one of the 5 lakes in Kawaguchi-ko


Fugaku Wind Cave is a lave cave made by eruptions of Mt Fuji. There are about 80 caves around Mt Fuji and Fugaku Wind Cave is one of the most famous caves.

After visiting Fugaku Wind Cave, I wanted to go to Narusawa Ice Cave. As there is no direct bus to go to the Ice Cave, my only option is to walk. Based on the map, it showed that I needed to walk for about 20mins, so I began my walking journey. I walked about 30mins and there is no sign of any human activity as there is only one road and that road happened to be an expressway with a lot of heavy vehicles driving by. So my only option is either to continue the journey or turn back, so I decided to continue my journey, thinking that I may reach soon. I walked for another 30mins and I finally saw human activity, it was actually a stop over point for those truck drivers to rest.

There is one small food restaurant, one supermarket and one information counter. Therefore, I went to the information counter to check it out. With much difficulty in communicating with the lady staff there, she found out for me that there is one bus arriving at 540pm at the bus stop at the main road that goes to Ice Cave, but Ice Cave is closed by then! So I asked her to check the timing of the bus that goes to Kawaguchi-ko station (Kawaguchi-ko station is the main station where there are railway stations, bus stations and taxi stand), so that I can take a taxi back to the hotel. Taxi is the only option I have as there is no bus services by the time I reach Kawaguchi-ko station, and it happened to be the same bus that goes to Ice Cave. So I have no choice but go to the restaurant to have my late lunch and waited for one hour for the bus to come.

At 520pm, the lady staff from the information counter saw me and ask me why I am still here, so I told her it is still early and I don't want to wait at the bus stop in this cold weather. Hehehe. At 530pm, the lady staff came to look for me and asked me again if I am going to Kawaguchi-ko station and she actually pointed her mini van and offered to give me a ride! Since she is so kind and helpful, how can I turn her down? Hehehe. So I actually boarded her van and experienced a car ride in a Japan mini van. Throughout the journey, we talked to each other and she also pointed her house to me. Quite fun even though we had problems talking and understanding each other! Hahaha!

Erm, Erm ... ... I forgot the names of these formations. I am really a great disappointment to my Geography teacher. Anybody can help me?

Natural Refrigerator? What are they keeping here?

See the tins are so rusty but the plants inside are still fresh

OSAKA (2 days)


This castle was built as a display of power by Toyotomi Hideyoshi after he unified Japan. This present castle is a 1931 reconstruction of the original. There is an excellent collections of displays relating to the castle, Toyotomi Hideyoshi and the Osaka city. There is also an observation deck offering excellent views of the surrounding areas.

Pay close attention on the right side of the photo. That is actually an elevator constructed in the Edo period. Thus elevator is not a modern invention.

Scenic view of Osaka, taken from the observatory platform of the Osaka Castle


This is the most dramatic modern architecture. The twin tower complex looks like a space-age version of Paris's Arc De Triomphe. There are two observation galleries, an outdoor rooftop and indoor. You need to take a glassed-in escalator for the final five storeys to get to the top.

Elevator to the open roof top

Nightview of Osaka

This is taken from the ground floor of the building


I did not really enjoy the trip to Universal Studios Japan, as a number of rides were under renovation and those mascots that I saw is those cartoon characters like Popeye, Pink Panther and Sesame Street characters. I did not see any superheros mascots. Seem like something is missing, without all these superheros mascots. Furthermore, the float parade is also being cancelled. Sigh!


Tempozan is the best of Osaka's growing seaside developments. It has several attractions such as the Gian Ferris Wheel which is the one of the largest ferris wheel in the world. It is standing 112m high which offers a bird's eye view of Osaka, Osaka Bay and Kobe. Next to the ferris wheel is Tempozan Marketplace which is a shopping and dinning arcade.


It's is one of the largest aquarium in the world. There is a main tank and various small tanks that displays life found on the eight different ocean levels.

What is that strong fishy smell? Am I at a fish market? NO! I reached my destination - Osaka Aquarium!

It's so fun playing in the waters. You want to join me? The more the merrier

Wow, so many fishes. Hi, everybody!

Who slapped me? Swim out if you dare. Oops, sorry, big brother whale shark, so sorry. I don't know it's you.

Spiders Aliens had arrived! Run! I mean Swim! Swim! Save yourself. Please put on your spectales, it is not Spiders Aliens. It is Japanese Giant Spider Crabs. Oh, yah oh.

Wow, so beautiful ... who? You or me? I am talking about the jellyfish! Heehee, i see

KYOTO (1 day)


This castle was built in 1603 as the residence of the first Tokugawa shogun, Ieyasu. The interior rooms are fitted with 'nightingale' floor (floors that squeak at every move) and there are also concealed chambers where the bodyguards could keep watch. After pass the grand Kara-mon gate, you enter the Ninomaru Palace which is divided into five buildings with numerous chambers. There is the Ninomaru Palace Garden that was designed by tea master and landscape architect Kobori Enshu.


This was built in 1895 to commemorate the 1100th anniversary of the founding of Kyoto. There is a big torii about 500m in front of the shrine and it is the main entrance to the shrine itself. The shrine is colorful replicas of the Kyoto Gosho of the Heian period. Its garden is also represent the garden in the Heian period with large pond and Chinese-inspired bridge.


Gion is a very famous entertainment and giesha district on the eastern bank of Kamogawa. There are 17th-century traditional restaurants and teahouses. There are also art galleries and antiques shops where you can do some shopping.

I actually watched a performance at Gion corner. This performance is made up of a few sections covering on the art and culture of Traditional Japan.

Tea ceremony was brought to Japan by Zen Buddhists priests at the end of the Heian Period (12th century). A Zen priest named Sen Rokyu (1521-1591) established the tea ceremony in present form under the protection of Toyotomi Hideyoshi.

The koto was imported from China about 1,300 years ago. This instrument was used as the Imperial Court for playing Gagaku, the special court music.

Flower arrangement was started in Japan since the 6th century, around 1,500 years ago when Buddhism first came from China.

Gagaku (Court Music) was introduced into Japan in the 8th century and it continued to flourish among the members of the imperial family, the nobles and the other upper circles of society, especially during Heian period (9-12th centuries).

Kyogen (Ancient Comic Play) pieces had been handed down from the 15th century. After 16th century, Kyogen became exclusive among people in the warrior class as one of their acccomplishments unter the patronage of the Shogunate at that time. This play (as you seen in the photos) is about the servants stole their master's sake to drink even though their master tied them up. Their master caught them drinking and drove them out of the house.

Kyomai (Kyoto Style Dance) was born in the 17th century and it developed during the Tokugawa period. Kyomai adopted the elegance and sophistication of the Imperial Court manners (There is no photo taken for this as the dance was recorded in video).

Bunraku (Puppet Play) developed over a period of more than 12 centuries as the popular entertainment of the people. This Bunraku art was established in the Eiroku Period (16th century) by Takemoto Gidayu, who is known as the founder and greatest contributor to the Gidayubushi, which is the music and dislogue of the puppet plays. This puppet play (as you seen in the photos) is about how a women went through great pains by passing a missing sword to her lover. If her lover could not find the sword by the deadline, he would have to face death.

YOKOHAMA (1 day)


The beautifully landscaped gardens of Sankei-en feature walking paths among ponds, 17th-century buildings, tea-ceremony houses and a 500 year old three storey pagoda.


This is a remen theme park that tells the history of the cuisine. The remen houses is a replica of a 1958 Shitamachi. There are 9 ramen shops where you can eat some fantastically good ramen.

If you are a ramen lover, this is definitely a must place you must visit. All the ramen shops here are the best in Japan. It is simply so tasty and mouth watering that you can't wait to ask for a second bowl. The soup is brewed so prefectly that the whole place is filled with aroma. Yum Yum. I also bought an ice cream called "ice cream pop". The ice cream is filled in a balloon shaped container. When you purchased the ice cream, the owner would cut one end off, so you are supposed to press the ice cream out slowly and eat it. If you pressed too hard, the ice cream would pop out and thus the name "ice cream pop".


There is a eight storey Yokohama Daisekai and it is a Chinese theme park modeling itself of the old Shanghai in the 20's and 30's. There are theatre shows, preformance, restaurants and shops. There is also a Chinese temple in the heart of Chinatown.

NIKKO (1 Day)

These are the photos of the town of Nikko.


"Let's Preserve Historic Remains And Architectural Cultures in the World!”is the theme of the Tobu World Square. The Park has 42 miniature, UNESCO-designated, World Cultural and Heritage Sites exhibited. You will enjoy looking at the cultural heritages in the world while developing a consciousness for the need to preserve and protect such historic structures. The exquisite reproductions was 1/25th of the original sizes of 102 historic relics and architectures in the premises, which are presently exhibited in the Park.

Flat Iron Building (U.S.A)

The World Trade Center (U.S.A)

Sphinx (Egypt)

St. Vasilie Church (Russia)

St. Peter's Basilica (Vatican)

The Leaning Tower of Pisa (Italy)

The Duomo in Milan (Italy)

Versailles Palace (France)

Anandan Temple (Myanmar)

Angkor Wat (Cambodia)

The Great Wall of China

The Dragon and Tiger Pagodas (Kaoshiung, Taiwan)

Himeji Castle (Hyogo)

In conclusion, I had showed you some of the sights of Tokyo and also brought you around the world with those whole renowned tourist attractions in the world. So what is your next destination? What is my next destination? Nobody knows, but Japan is definitely a place I will go again and Mt Fuji is definitely a mountain that I will climb. So let us start saving now!