A half-hour comedy that revolves around the misadventures of a motley group of adults attending a part-time class to upgrade their service skills. Each one of them is there for a reason, whether it be personal or professional. Some of them even discover their reasons along the way.
They are taught by Faith Foo Li, an attractive young trainer who doesn't realize quite how attractive she is. Representing the ideals of the service profession and in touch with the younger generation, she is a true teacher at heart. The inherent disparity between the different characters will provide much of the humor for the show, as sparks fly, both of the comedic and romantic variety. As they go through their lessons, they learn, along with the audience, the value of upgrading their skills and the importance of service excellence in Singapore's vibrant and dynamic economy.
They are taught by Faith Foo Li, an attractive young trainer who doesn't realize quite how attractive she is. Representing the ideals of the service profession and in touch with the younger generation, she is a true teacher at heart. The inherent disparity between the different characters will provide much of the humor for the show, as sparks fly, both of the comedic and romantic variety. As they go through their lessons, they learn, along with the audience, the value of upgrading their skills and the importance of service excellence in Singapore's vibrant and dynamic economy.
This variety program is very suitable for those who are working in the service line or wish to join the service line. There are key lessons learnt in each episode as emphasied in the Excellent Service Professionals (ESP) program to help these people to further improve their service standards.
Don't Miss a Single Episode of Serves You Right! by Channel 5, 8pm, every Tuesday.
Don't Miss a Single Episode of Serves You Right! by Channel 5, 8pm, every Tuesday.
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